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Why I Reject 3D-5D Ascension Theology
The origins, history, and confluence with conspiracy theories

In 2021, I saw a lot of posts, articles, and other references to what was touted as the “shift” from “3D to 5D” and that it was a kind of ascension. The not-exactly-scientific explanation goes like this: Humanity has been living in a three-dimensional world up to this point (evidenced by fear and anger), and people are “waking up” to the “truth” and are going through or have gone through some sort of spiritual transformation and are now living in five dimensions, where fear and anger have been replaced by love and joy. And it’s their job to wake up everyone else so that all of humanity can ascend to this “5D living” and usher in an age of harmony and love.
Sounds lovely on its face, though I do wonder where the unicorns and rainbows are in all this. And puppies. Can’t forget the puppies.
I thought at first I understood the difference between 3D and 5D. After all, one of my guides taught me back in the early 1980s about the difference between “reality with a lowercase r,” meaning the physical world that we can see, hear, touch, taste, and smell, and “Reality with an uppercase R,” meaning the world where everything is energy that vibrates at different frequencies.